About Us
The Broome Community Resource Centre (CRC) has been operating since 1991. It is a not-for-profit incorporated association and Registered Charity. Broome CRC is a friendly local community centre that is part of WA Community Resource Network.
Broome CRC is equipped with high tech facilities and provides low-cost modern technology services to the community to help you achieve your personal and business goals. We provide a space for those who have limited or no facilities of their own, so it is a place for individuals, community groups, small and new business owners to come and work online on their enterprises. Many people have smart devices yet still need services for things that aren’t possible on handheld devices, such as printing and scanning. More than half of our customers utilise these services, either self-service or assisted.
Our Purpose
We exist for the good of the whole community and to bring about both community and economic benefits.
Our mission is to provide accessible, innovative and inclusive services and programs that support social, business and economic development. We use technology and resources to assist:
Community groups;
Small business; and
Individuals of all ages – from young people to seniors and everyone in between.
Our Vision
A thriving community socially and economically.
Our Values
Capacity-building: We help people increase their skills and abilities.
Supportiveness: We provide facilities and assistance for people to accomplish their goals.
Inclusion: Our services empower our customers to connect, participate and grow.
Customer-focused: We respond to the needs of our customers.
Innovation: We continually evolve and make a positive contribution to the community.
Our Goals
Our goals align with the four “core pillars” of the Shire of Broome: People, Place, Prosperity and Performance.
People: Increase the digital literacy of community members, building competence and confidence.
Place: Provide a venue and equipment for a wide range of community and business activities.
Prosperity: Provide modern and accessible digital, technology and information services to facilitate economic, business and social development.
Performance: Operate a sustainable organisation with high standards of customer service, management and governance.